I was amazed to learn that a doctor was murdered because of his work helping women.
"George R. Tiller, the nation's most prominent provider of controversial late-term abortions, was shot and killed yesterday in the lobby of his Lutheran church in Wichita, where he was serving as an usher."
http://www.kansas.com/news/tiller/story/834438.htmlI have thought long and hard about abortion, and I think it is an unfortunate birth control alternative. Abortion is morally wrong, too. We should not kill. I am a pacivist, and committed to non-violence.
I want us to work to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies through education and free access to birth control, especially for teenagers, and other means. So I support Planned Parenthood and comprehensive sex education in schools.
I am also in favor of a woman being free to decide about her own health. Who am I to decide for her? I am not the one pregnant. Should the government decide? No. Do you want the government to make decisions about your healthcare? So I support freedom for people making reproductive health decisions.
Whatever your opinion about this issue, someone is so "pro-life" that they murdered a man in his church yesterday. And we should all condemn that.