Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm voting republican

I'm voting Republican because I believe the government can successfully spend high interest borrowed money like a drunken sailor and my children will be all the better for it.

I'm voting Republican because secrecy in law enforcement is good for me and my family.

I'm voting Republican because I believe it is right to occupy other nations with military force, kill their leaders, and build permanent military bases.

I'm voting Republican because I believe that years of scientific proof of catastrophic climate change should not persuade me give up my truck, even if my children will pay the price.

I'm voting Republican because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday CAN tell us which citizens we should put to death, even though everyone knows they sometimes execute the wrong person.

I'm voting Republican because I trust the corporations of the world to do the right thing, not take advantage of the working poor, and work for the good of all even if it means fewer profits.

I'm voting Republican because I don’t trust judges whom elect to exercise constitutional checks and balances over law enforcement and law makers.

I'm voting Republican because I believe that if we make everyone in the world hate us, when they come over here with military grade weaponry I will be able to shoot them all with the handguns and hunting rifles in my house.

I'm voting Republican because I believe the government should decide who I have sex with, and that if my sex life doesn’t suit them they should be able to arrest me and throw me in jail.

I'm voting Republican because I believe Big Oil will work hard to help us solve our addiction to oil.

Makes ya wonder why anyone would EVER vote Republican, now doesn't it?

Monday, October 20, 2008

The love of the world flowing through her to you

Sunny this morning, warming up, early yet, only a few others out.
Tomorrow is Sunday, Mother’s Day.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw a woman running to catch up with her young son.
He was sitting in a toy car. When she started jogging, he drove his little car beside her.
The little car had chrome wheels, glinting in the sunlight.

My mom used to walk with us to the store when we were that age.
We liked the little wax soda bottles with sweet water, green and red and yellow.
You would break off the top and let the sweet run over your tongue.
And the paper straws with colored sugar.
And caramels with sweet centers.

Last Sunday I went out for coffee with my daughter.
We talked about life, and her challenges, her joys, her sorrows.
She had a cookies and cream frappuccino with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles.
I had coffee. Decaf.

However you remember your mom,
taking you somewhere,
some delightful outing
or epic journey
with your little toys
or on a quest for treats;
and when you think of your own young ones,
looking ahead bravely to whatever they will face
because they have you right there,
it is the love of the world flowing through her to you,
flowing through you to them.

For my mother
May 10, 2008